An old joke proclaims that mid-life is when you start asking the tough questions, like “How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it’s no longer a healthy choice?” I…
ICYMI: SEO, Lies, and Video Tape (part 1 of 5)
(This originally appared on my Blogspot site) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies promise big money (for those using their services, naturally). They toss around figures about tens of millions of online searches…
Creating Variable-cost Products in WooCommerce
Way back in another age (at least if you count using internet years), I wrote about setting up variable cost products in WooCommerce. We’re talking ANCIENT HISTORY – 2012. That post existed,…
ICYMI: Networking Survival Guide: 7 Essential Rules
(This article originally appeared on Federal Technology Insider) For the unprepared, managing your agency’s modern IT infrastructure with all its complexity can be a little scary. Evolving mandates, the constant threat of…
Fat Tuesday: When the Goal is In Sight
This morning I did my weekly weigh-in. The scale blinked up numbers and I blinked back: 167. While the difference between last week (169) and this week is comparatively small, it means…
ICYMI: Unplug to Recharge – A guide for IT Professionals (part 3 of 3)
(This originally appeared on Part 1 can be found here and part 2 is here.) In the last two sections of this series, I made a case for WHY unplugging should be…
ICYMI: Unplug to Recharge – A guide for IT Professionals (part 2 of 3)
(This originally appeared on Part 1 can be found here.) In the first part of this series, I made a case for why disconnecting some times and for some significant amount…
Fat Tuesday: Being Thankful
You may think that this post must have come a week late, but it’s not. You see, I fully expected to write this up and explain how I gave myself a little…
ICYMI: Unplug to Recharge – A guide for IT Professionals (part 1 of 3)
(This originally appeared on This is a longer version of a talk I give at conferences and conventions. I would love to hear your responses, thoughts, and reactions in the comments…
I Quit Facebook. You Should Too.
I fully realize that “I quit facebook” is kind of a trend these days. However many people want to but can’t seem to verbalize their reasons, or find counter-arguments that they find…