NetFlow eliminated the hassle of network troubleshooting after a school complained about its Internet access. Life in IT can be pretty entertaining. And apparently we admins aren’t the only ones who think…
The Difference Between Work & Life
TL;DR: I’m deeply invested in amplifying the voices of underrepresented folx; using my platform to help make the world better for all people; and bringing my whole self to the table. But…
IT Monitoring Scalability Planning: 3 Roadblocks
Planning for growth is key to effective IT monitoring, but it can be stymied by certain mindsets. Here’s how to overcome them. As IT professionals, planning for growth is something we do…
Time for a network monitoring application? What to look for
You might think that implementing a network monitoring tool is like every other rollout. You would be wrong. Oh, so you’re installing a new network monitoring tool, huh? No surprise there, right?…
HumbleBrag: Gesher’s Upper Level IT Training
For the last few months, I’ve been working in conjunction with Gesher Cleveland to set up a program to help people in my community acquire IT skills (and subsequently an actual paying JOB in…
ICYMI: IT monitoring: ignore it at your peril
This interview was originally posted on To many businesses, IT monitoring software is a luxury they cannot afford. However, that mindset is dangerous. Not monitoring your IT infrastructure can cost you…
The Top 5 Network Issues You Didn’t Know You Had
(and how monitoring can solve them) I spend a lot of time talking about the value that monitoring can bring an organization, and helping IT professionals make a compelling case for expanding…
Day 04 – Understand More
Last year I discussed how some areas of technology were in (and others were out) of the range of our understanding – depending on what area of focus we have ourselves. And the…
Day 3 – Search
As IT pro’s, we find ourselves searching for many things. We search for solutions. We search for truth (both regular and capital-T truth). Most of those things we either have a good…
#BlogElul 02-Act
An excerpt from an essay I wrote for an upcoming issue of “Data Center Journal” was especially relevant to today’s post. The essay is titled “Data, Information, Action”: The saying, “you can…