I’m re-upping this because I continue to feel it’s a point that gets missed by IT folks. Customer. Consumer. Colleague. What’s the difference? The Customer is the person or entity paying. They…
Throwback Thursday: Write! Sing! Draw! Dance!
I wrote this post back in 2012, and not only does it not diminish over time, it only becomes more true. So many of us in tech labor under the mistaken belief…
Insecurity Issues
A week ago I wrote a post about how a few of my friends had their email accounts hacked, and what to do about it. Part of the instructions talked about creating…
Hacked Off?
Having your account hacked is nothing new, but a few of my friends have experienced this particular frustration lately, so I wanted to write a quick guide on how to deal with…
Job Hunting
The other day two different friends asked about tips in their quest for new employment. I have done more than my fair share of job hunting, so they figured I would have…
What’s Up with the AdatoSystems.com Website?
If you haven’t visited in a while, or if you are following a link looking for one of my old documents, you may be asking yourself “where did everything go?” In a…
WooCommerce on Non-Woo Themes
You can now find this post over on my web desgin site. Thanks!
What’s the heaviest load you can carry? How much work can you handle before you crack? I need to shift gears for a minute and talk about something personal. If you don’t…
Adding Variable-cost Products in WooCommerce
This article has been updated to account for changes since 2012. You can find that new article here: https://www.adatosystems.com/2018/12/05/creating-variable-cost-products-in-woocommerce/
Sometimes it’s the little things
I recently discovered the “themia” theme from InkThemes. It’s been a perfect starting point for one of my customers. As I was setting things up, I prototyped it on my server (like…