So who is this Leon guy, anyway?!?
This is where I hang up my professional hat, when I’m not saving the world from inefficient systems management processes.
What I do
In my sordid career, I have been an actor, bug exterminator and wild-animal remover (nothing crazy like pumas or wildebeasts. Just skunks and raccoons.), electrician, carpenter, stage-combat instructor/choreographer, sign-language interpreter, and teacher.
Oh, and I do stuff with computers. Specifically with monitoring and observability.
Over 33 years, I’ve worked with just about everything: from old warhorse tools like Tivoli, Patrol, Openview, and SolarWinds; to newer and more SaaS-y solutions like New Relic. My goal is always to solve a problem, not just build an impressive screen or alert. To help customers sleep easy at night while simultaneously waking up the appropriate staff if – and only if – there is a real emergency to deal with. Making your weekend longer because you know you’ll be interrupted if – and ONLY if – there’s a real issue.
And I end up writing about it.
A lot.
What you should know about me
I talk – and communicate (email, IM, memos, manuals, lists, updates) a lot. But the “about” page of a web site may not be the best place for all of that. Check out my resume and/or my professional blog. You can also check out my articles and appearances and my speaker page.
Or drop me a line. You can find me:
- On Bluesky:
- On LinkedIn: LeonAdato
- On Github: LeonAdato
Strike up a conversation. I’ve always got time to share a thought or two.
Thanks again for stopping by!