First, as should be clear if you read more than half a blog post, I’m a computer geek, data nerd, tech fanboi – use whatever vaguely deprecating term you like. Second. I…
Time Data Series: The Rest of the Story
It’s been a while since I wrote about PHP Zmanim – the work I’ve done with it and the things I’ve learned while implementing it. But despite the delay, I always intended…
Job listings for week ending 10/4
If you’re not sure what this job list is all about, check out my handy “About the Weekly Job Listing post” explainer. You can also use this form to manage your subscription to this email, a…
Call For Papers Listings for 10/4
This is a list of the next 10 upcoming tech conferences that have an open “Call for Papers” (CFP), in order of the CFP closing date. For a complete list, please check…
Hiring Superstitions: Things that might be a thing
In my last post, I started exploring things I’ve heard from job-seekers that arise more from anxiety and lack of experience than fact. In this essay I wanted to continue that line…
Job listings for week ending 9/27
If you’re not sure what this job list is all about, check out my handy “About the Weekly Job Listing post” explainer. You can also use this form to manage your subscription to this email, a…
Call For Papers Listings for 9/27
This is a list of the next 10 upcoming tech conferences that have an open “Call for Papers” (CFP), in order of the CFP closing date. For a complete list, please check…
Hiring Superstitions: Things that aren’t a thing
According to medical experts, people believe superstitions in order to produce “a false sense of having control over outer conditions, and reduce anxiety. This is also why superstitions are prevalent in conditions…
Job listings for week ending 9/20
This week I’m adding two new job boards to the list at the bottom of this post: First, SRE and SRE-adjascent jobs : Second, here’s a board specifically for aerospace jobs. That’s…
Call For Papers Listings for 9/20
This is a list of the next 10 upcoming tech conferences that have an open “Call for Papers” (CFP), in order of the CFP closing date. For a complete list, please check…
ACTING (like we care about) Security
This will be my last entry on the topic for a while. For context, I introduced the idea that folks don’t care about security, they care about outcomes in this post; and…