HT to my hero and writing inspiration Seth Godin. His post here got me started, and his style is something I have wanted to emulate for years now.
don’t tell me that it – monitoring – is complicated.
Don’t tell me you’re a snowflake – unique in your need for 1200 alert rules.
Don’t tell me “but our company is different. WE create value for our shareholders. Not like your other clients.”
Don’t tell me you can’t do it because…
I’ve been creating monitoring solutions for over a decade.
I’ve designed solutions that scaled to 250,000 systems, in 5,000 locations
I work at a company that has written millions of lines of code to do this one thing, and do it well.
So please Don’t tell me it’s complicated.
Tell me what you need. What you want. What you wish you could have.
And then LISTEN to what I have to say. Because I’ve seen this before. I’ve done this before. And it’s NOT complicated. It’s also not easy.
But it is simple.